
Foods that improve circulation

      Foods that improve circulation

Foods that improve circulation
Often, problems related to blood circulation are very linked to poor eating habits and a diet low in nutrients, low in fiber and potassium and high in sodium. To combat poor circulation and facilitate the function of blood vessels, umComo this article we show a selection of foods that improve circulation and help you feel better.


  1. The fiber-rich foods are good allies when improve blood circulation because the fiber favors the lowering of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Moreover, the fiber is a substance which allows an improvement in intestinal transit preventing the blood vessel walls to weaken and colon. To include or increase the fiber intake in your diet you can take foods like:

    • Nuts : walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, etc.
    • Vegetables : spinach, raw carrots, broccoli, artichokes, green beans, chard.
    • Fruit : pear, banana, avocado, raspberry and other dried fruits like prunes.
    • Vegetables : chickpea, lentils, beans, peas.
    • Cereal : wheat bran or oatmeal, rye, rice, etc.
  2. When we aim to improve our circulation is essential to consume foods rich in potassium . In fact, the potassium is a mineral capable of eliminating water and regulating the amount thereof present in the cells, so it is highly beneficial to combat and treat fluid retention legs swollen.

    You can get potassium in vegetables like green beans, beans, soy, vegetables like cabbages, carrots, canons, chard; also in dried fruits and fresh fruits like banana , melon or coconut; in fish such as trout, sardines or salmon; and red meat, chicken or turkey .

  3. On the other hand, we find the so-called antioxidant foods that are ideal to protect the blood vessels and keep them in great condition. These include tomatoes, avocado, red fruit, citrus, grapes, spinach, broccoli and sprouts . All are highly recommended for improving blood circulation, because they prevent the deterioration of the walls of veins and arteries.

  4. Garlic is a food that provides many benefits to our health , especially in the treatment of circulation problems. Evidence shows that this ingredient protects the aorta , in charge of distributing the blood that the heart pumps, and can reduce the thickness of blood. So do not hesitate in time to include it in your diet and enjoy their properties.

  5. There are other desirable ingredients that are important in controlling cholesterol and have a good cardiovascular health such as olive oil, soybean oil, sunflower seed and fish . They are high in unsaturated fats, which act as anticoagulants favoring the flow of blood.

  6. In addition to include in your diet these foods to improve blood circulation , be sure that the adequate intake of water is essential to eliminate toxins and facilitate the clearance of blood. The infusion red tea, green tea or horsetail are also very good for this.

  7. If you want to read more articles like the foods that improve circulation , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .


Best infusions into the circulation

  Best infusions into the circulation

Best infusions into the circulation
A good blood circulation ensures a healthy heart, a smooth legs and spider veins free, varicose veins and heaviness and a body much more healthy and active. Our diet and physical activity do influence remarkably in the quality of our circulation, but are not the only allies that can help us, because the natural medicine also brings many benefits.


  1. It is important to be clear that a good blood circulation depends on several factors, and that the infusions alone does not work miracles unless establish changes in their daily lives.

    So we suggest:
    • Reduce your intake of salt and foods high in fat and cholesterol, responsible for affecting blood circulation and increase the risk of heart disease.
    • Add to your diet foods that improve circulation , such as vegetables or nuts without salt or sugar added.
    • Do exercise at least 3 times a week; the activity is essential to maintain good circulation and a healthy heart, and there is no home remedy that can replace this recommendation.
    • It is also important to pay attention to the type of clothing we wear, avoiding too tight parts in the legs that may interfere with good circulation. Choose comfortable clothes, avoid spending much of the day standing and working sitting use a footrest to keep your legs slightly higher, favoring the circulation.
  2. The mackerel is one of the most popular medicinal plants, making it ideal to keep the arteries to harden and lipids accumulate in them: one of the best infusions into the circulation. In addition, this plant helps reduce cholesterol and to benefit our heart.
    To prepare an infusion you need to add two tablespoons of horsetail in one liter of water, boil for 5 minutes and then turn off the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and drink. You can eat 1 to 2 cups a day for a month, then pause for another month before eating again.

    This plant is not recommended in the following cases:
    • Pregnant or lactating.
    • In type 2 diabetes.
    • With stomach problems.
    • With heart or renal failure.
    • With low pressure.
    • Who are taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, diuretics or laxatives.
  3. Rosemary is a very popular herb in the kitchen, particularly for the preparation of meat, but also a medicinal plant with many benefits for health and cosmetic. The active rosemary blood circulation due to their amount of antioxidants, so you can prepare an infusion using a teaspoon of this plant in a cup of water. Simmer for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and let stand for 10 minutes; strain and drink.

    This infusion into the circulation is contraindicated for:
    • Pregnant, because the plant can be abortive.
    • Patients with endometriosis because most aggravates this condition.
    • People with intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease or gastroenteritis.
    • Men with prostate inflammation.
    • People with constipation because due to the astringent substances may increase this condition.
    • People suffering from insomnia.
  4. The ginger root is an excellent choice to stimulate blood circulation, preventing clot formation. Furthermore, it is one of the infusions to the movement easier to prepare, because this ingredient can be found in most supermarkets.
    To prepare this drink cut two pieces of ginger thickness of a finger and boil in a cup of water. After 5 minutes turn off the heat and let stand for 15 minutes before straining and drinking. One or two cups daily is enough, however this infusion is contraindicated in patients with:

    • Gastric disorders such as gastritis, Crohn's disease or ulcers.
    • Hypertension.
    • Gallstones.
    • Patients who use anticoagulant drugs for circulatory problems or diabetes.
    • It is recommended that pregnant or lactating consult a doctor before ingesting this plant.
    Picture: showdereceitas.com
  5. Among the best infusions into the circulation is the ginkgo biloba , because thanks to its flavonoid content this plant significantly improves blood circulation contributing to power and benefiting our concentration. Also favors the prevention of blood clots by helping the heart.

    To prepare this drink add a teaspoon of this plant in a cup of boiling water, turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes, then strain and drink. You can consume 2 cups per day.

    We do not recommend their intake is:
    • Are pregnant or nursing.
    • Suffer from epilepsy or experienced seizures in the past.
    • Are taking anticoagulants, aspirin, ibuprofen, antidepressants and drugs to the liver.
  6. Another among the best infusions into the circulation is made ​​with dandelion lion , an excellent ally especially indicated for the treatment of varicose and spider veins. To prepare this drink add two tablespoon of dandelion dandelion tea in a cup of boiling water, turn off the heat and let stand for 10 minutes, then strain and drink. Do not take more than 2 cups a day.

    Dandelion Dandelion is contraindicated in the following cases:
    • Patients with gallstones as it stimulates the production of bile.
    • People with acidity, gastritis and gastric ulcers.
    • People who take diuretics, potassium supplements or drugs with lithium.
  7. If you want to read more articles like the best infusions into the circulation , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .


How to improve the circulation in the feet and ankles

How to improve the circulation in the feet and ankles

How to improve the circulation in the feet and ankles
Many people have a bad circulation in the feet and ankles , causing these parts to swell. Certain factors may contribute to this condition. As is the case of high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. There are some things you can do to increase circulation in the feet and ankles . These methods are very simple and can reduce the inflammation that accompanies poor circulation.

  1. Elevate your feet . When seated, put cushions or pillows under the feet to raise and increase the circulation of the heart .

  2. Stay active. Walking is a good way to increase circulation in the feet and ankles, so it's taking a walk every day. If you are standing all day at work, you can try walking in the same place or even try things like moving your toes. These activities help to improve circulation .

  3. Wear loose socks. Tight stockings can cut off circulation and cause inflammation.

  4. Do not cross your legs when you sit. Crossing your legs can restrict movement, so always keep this in mind when you sit down. Remember yourself, sit without crossing your legs.

  5. Use support stockings (compression). These socks are designed in such a way that help the blood flow from the leg to the heart.

  6. Massage your legs. Do a gentle massage with upward movements. This helps improve circulation by targeting the blood from the veins to the heart.

  7. If you want to read more articles similar to how to improve the circulation in the feet and ankles , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .
  • Always consult your doctor if you have any concern with inflammation and circulation.