How to improve poor blood circulation
The poor blood circulation is a common symptom of elevated blood pressure and heart diseases, and can also be a cause of these conditions. Although one of the first steps to increase poor circulation , either consult a health care professional, you can also make a lot of changes every day to help increase blood flow. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise, among other techniques, it is essential to improve circulation and prevent disease.
- Exercise at least three times a week to improve poor circulation , it is critical to increase blood flow to the heart. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, even if it is low physical intensity, such as taking a walk at lunchtime or playing with your pet. Perform exercises that involve an intense cardiovascular activity such as walking, running, aerobics or team sports to favor the most of your circulation. Meanwhile, move at least once every hour to make the blood flow, especially when working in a sedentary office.
- Be careful with what you eat. There nutritious foods with a low glycemic index, such as fruits and vegetables cracks, low-fat dairy products, lean meats and whole grains in this way will help increase circulation and prevent heart problems. Reduce your intake of foods high in trans fats and saturated fats, replacing them with elements rich in natural fatty acids such as walnuts, salmon and avocado, which can increase circulation. Meanwhile, stay hydrated with clean water or bottled water, which can also help in circulatory function.
- Take nutritional supplements regularly to help increase circulation . Good circulation includes vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and fish oil omega 3. Also note the effectiveness of vitamin E supplements in reducing the risk of heart disease because it improves blood circulation. Furthermore, scientific research has revealed that gingko biloba increases circulation by dilating the veins and arteries, and helps to circulate blood platelets throughout the body.
- If you want to read more articles like how to improve poor blood circulation , we recommend that enter our category of Health and the Blood or falling in our news bulletin .
- Low glycemic index foods
- Nutritional supplements
- Gingko biloba
- Ginger
- Cayenne
- Some scientists have found that ginger and cayenne pepper can also help increase circulation. The ginger, for example, promotes blood flow by dissolving clots which can reduce circulation, and cause heart problems.
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